The Association committee is a dedicated group of fellow members who generously and voluntarily give their time to achieving the stated aims and values of our respected Blouza village and organisation.
Most importantly, the Blouza Hall at Granville is a landmark building for the benefit of all it’s members. We are grateful to all those who assisted in its acquisition and development – whether financially or in kind support.
The Association is committed to making the Hall available to its members where possible.
To assist with the running of the Blouza Hall, the Association has been focused on raising funds through social functions and hall hire. As a result, the Blouza Hall may be unavailable for a wake from time to time due to a pre-booking or use for another wake. In these circumstances, your committee’s policy is shown below at c).
Please note the following summary of the Association’s Funeral Policy –
A) All funeral and wake arrangements remain the sole responsibility of the bereaved family, including your choice of Funeral providers. The Association is always willing to assist the bereaved family with the wake upon request.
B) We respectfully ask that the bereaved family first contact Mr Joe Hassarati, the Association’s Funeral Co-ordinator – M: 0410 329 325, who will notify other Committee members and organise any assistance sought on behalf of the Association.
C) The Association offers to help a member find another Hall when the Blouza Hall is not available for a wake.
D) The official times for Blouza member wakes will be 6pm to 8.30pm.
E) We are no longer permitted to place the Sympathy Box at the front of the Church on the day of the funeral. This follows a directive from the Maronite Church applying to all Associations. The Church, however, will place it’s own – with all donations going back to the Church.
The Sympathy Box was first introduced by our Association for donations to be made instead of sending flowers. These donations are handed to the bereaved family who decided on where they should be spent.
The Sympathy Box will now only be placed at the doors of the Blouza Hall (or indeed any Hall where possible) during the wake.